With the festive season now in full swing it’s time for our end of year newsletter from ULD CARE.
While 2019 has not been the greatest for air cargo it has been a busy year for the ULD CARE team, on one hand we have achieved a considerable amount and on the other hand we would have liked to have achieved more, but with only 365 days in the year it seems we will always face limits to our achievements !
Technology has been a big focus for ULD CARE in the past couple of years. After 40+ years when very little changed in terms of ULD management technologies we now see some amazing new opportunities coming into play, BLE, IoT, and Blockchain to name a few.

2020 will be a very interesting year for ULD and technology and ULD CARE is keen to stay at the cutting edge.
And on the subject of technology we are also making good progress on the “ Strap APP” and expect to have the IOS version available in early 2020 followed an Android version. This “tool” will greatly support the safe use of cargo straps, a major achievement. A two minute video of this app in use can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/s/p5snbsbndbcdnmq/StrapToPalletPreview.MP4?dl=0 for those who are interested to see more.
Meanwhile the ULD CARE Code of Conduct and its “ambassador” AKE 88888 LH continues to gain attention seen here loading onto a KL 747 in LAX.
And we would like make a particular mention here of Menzies Aviation who signed up to the Code of Conduct earlier this year and who have recently with the assistance of ULD CARE developed a new in house ULD Training for their global network. It’s certainly encouraging to see a leading ground and cargo service provider such as Menzies making such a significant commitment to ULD handling standards and we hope our airline members take note of this when selecting their cargo service providers.
Meanwhile the ULD CARE Code of Conduct and its “ambassador” AKE 88888 LH continues to gain attention seen here loading onto a KL 747 in LAX.
And we would like make a particular mention here of Menzies Aviation who signed up to the Code of Conduct earlier this year and who have recently with the assistance of ULD CARE developed a new in house ULD Training for their global network. It’s certainly encouraging to see a leading ground and cargo service provider such as Menzies making such a significant commitment to ULD handling standards and we hope our airline members take note of this when selecting their cargo service providers.
On the “ back office” side we are pleased to announce that it is now possible to pay annual membership, transaction fee bills and conference sponsorship items via on line credit card payments.
Finally, as is our tradition in recent years we use this end of year newsletter to announce the location and dates of the 2020 ULD CARE Conference.
This year we will be in Vienna from 21st to 24th September, and will once again co locate with the Air Cargo Handling conference and for a first time the Cool Chain Conference. The event will be located in the brand new Vienna Airport conference centre that is due to open in Spring 2020. Please SAVE the DATE !!!