This newsletter serves to both update you on our overall activities as well as encourage you all to sign up for the conference.
A lot to report…

Urs and Bob attended the IATA IGHC conference in Madrid late May. With the largest ever attendance at this event it was indeed an opportunity to both re engage with known contacts and to make new ones. One of the sessions provided a very clear coverage of the latest developments to ISAGO, and we came away more optimistic that these audits will have an influence on the way ULD are operated and handled.
One major talking point at the IGHC is the whole issue of labour shortages and turnover, though it seems nobody has any concrete solutions, how this will impact on ULD activities in the years to come is unclear, but it should be a concern as it seems unlikely that technology such as robotics can come to the rescue.
The joint Airport College- ULD CARE “ULD 60 seconds” project continues to make progress. Attached to this newsletter is a simple release notice which once signed and returned to Airport College gives permission for the use of these videos without any intellectual property issues. Work continues on expanding the range of these innovative awareness tools.
Preparations for the annual conference continue apace. You will find the program attached to this newsletter and you can also view a short (< 2 minute) video introduction to the conference at This year there will be two main themes under our overall title of Breakthrough to Excellence:
Excellence through Technology: Learn how ULD CARE is very actively looking at the application of new technologies to the control of ULD. An 18-month-old project this initiative is showing strong signs of being a game changer for the industry with ULD CARE at the centre. For those who have spent many years talking about but seeing no traction on RFID these new technologies are a welcome breath of fresh air, combining low costs and extraordinary capabilities- exciting times.
Excellence through Solutions: It’s been three years since ULD CARE launched its first “solution” and we now have quite a handful, and more coming. ULD CARE sees a role in developing practical solutions to the industry, being not-for-profit we have no need to monetise such ideas and so can provide these solutions to the industry at the lowest possible cost. The annual conference is an opportunity to learn about the solutions we already have and participate in planning for the future.
We hope to see you in Montreal.