+ Imagine if…
…The paper version of the ULD control receipt could be replaced with a digital document.
…The IULDUG system could be expanded to cover all parties handling ULD, particularly off-airport parties.
…Airlines could follow the best practices of other freight industries and charge a demurrage fee for the late return of their ULD.
…That ULD training could be done virtually.
If you attended the recent ULD CARE virtual conference, you know how these and other developments will soon become a reality.
These are exciting days in the world of ULD. There are a great deal of opportunities but also extreme challenges. The significant shortage of pallets, particularly PMC, over the past 12 months or more may now become considerably worse as roughly 1/3 of the sheet production for these essential components of air cargo come from Russia and are now subject to sanctions.
According to our research, roughly 25000 PMC are sitting in forwarders’ warehouses, and roughly half of them have been there for more than 10 days. Reducing this figure can go a long way in alleviating the current critical shortage of PMC.
No other mode of transportation provides such generous terms for the use of their equipment as the airlines. All levy some kind of charge for late return.

March 29th Conference Videos
If you were not able to participate in the conference or you simply want to review some of the material, we are pleased to say that all the sessions are recorded and are available for you to rewatch.